Friday, July 01, 2005


This was in my head two days ago but since I have had a good couple of days (of the more you put into it the more you get out of it variety). So for the sake of chronology here is the post. Until now my posts have been on the positive side. In teacher training they say watch for the fascination, frustration, friendship progression (with the midnight run home a common ending). I have experienced everything except the midnight run home. Frustration in part consists of the following: a recruiting agency where integrity is at a modicum; spitters who have gargantuan throat clearing and know no bounds or gender limits; train ticket offices that consistently oversell tickets so that each car has ten to twenty people standing and despite having a seat I have stood four or five times now; pickpockets who as yet have not victimized me although in Beijing I escaped a female decoy with her male partner trailing me; retailers who consistently try to take advantage; to-day it was batteries being sold at three times value, fruit at six times value and my favourite lollies at twice value (was I born yesterday?). The hotel also almost doubled its price because it is July so I decamped. Happy Canada Day incidentally to Johnny and Jane Canuck. In Beidaihe I purposefully gave business to an islamic restaurant. The waiter befriended me then blatantly ripped me off. I returned and after a ten minute discussion his duplicity was fully exposed. He tried to blame the owners. My friends warn me to beware of Chinese on the make and I have really seen a lot of attempts. Driving habits are atrocious. I just witnessed (was there, heard or saw or arrived before the police) five accidents. I have seen two close calls in vehicles I have been in (China close calls, not Canadian). The visa shell game of " We want our citizens to learn English, please come teach, but only on a long term contract will you be legal" is wearing. Going from hotel to hotel because only some accept foreigners is also a drag with heavy cases (foreigners have to fork over more at the more expensive joints). So there you have it. Not always a happy camper.


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