Monday, June 27, 2005


I came across some street theatre yesterday which was highly amusing. It came courtesy of the People's Liberation Army. I was not supposed to watch but I was on a public street and breaking no rule I could see. I got in ten minutes of viewing before being hustled along. The day was rainy and the sea breezes welcome after the heat of Beijing. Like in the swallows post you all remember, the rain scared everyone away. So here I am innocently walking up a hill with only hordes of dragonflies about when I pass a shaded basketball court with a batallion of army enlisted carrying out some enactment or other in front of the top brass. I stopped and was amused by the plain clothes villains, one in a swaztika emblazened t-shirt, the others demonstrators with signs. The army were reacting with telecommunications and grit to combat the subversives. I wondered how many degrees removed I was from being their target. Certainly a Chinese family that came along was ushered away before the henchmen turned their attention to me. Will I be put on a plane soon by their colleagues for not having a work visa?


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