Thursday, June 16, 2005

Down to the Wire

To-day is the last day of validity of my tourist visa. It is harder to get a work visa than I thought and the last few days have been ones of tales of unlicenced schools, deported teachers and more. My agency has been long on words, short on actions as someone called Confucius say (no relation to Colinfucius that I know of but they both can be traced back several thousand years). So I am scheduled to pick up a visa extension which allows me to travel but not teach. This is an unfolding story. As I write I am back in the fold with the Xu's in Xingtai, but about to decamp. I am scheduled to come back here in August to teach young kids at a summer camp but that is not a sure thing the way things look at the moment. Only time will tell where this all leads.


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